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Mini Green Chile & Cheese Casserole Recipe

Mini Green Chile & Cheese Casserole Recipe

Love a good casserole but can't eat a full tray on your own? This mini casserole recipe is ideal for making just a few portions or for creating the most epic party dish you've ever served.


  • 2-3 Corn Tortillas
  • 2 Tucson Tamale Green Chile & Cheese Tamales (steamed to room temperature)
  • 4 Tbsp Green Chile Sauce 
  • ½ cup Mexican Cheese
  • 2 Tbsp diced Onions
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • ¼ cup Black Olives

Directions: In a small greased ceramic dish, place a layer corn tortilla in the base. Place a Tucson Tamale Green Chile & Cheese Tamales on top and use the base of a glass to press it into the dish, ensuring it covers the corn tortillas. Scoop 2 Tbsp of green chile sauce and spread it around. Sprinkle in the onions, salt and pepper. Top with a layer of ¼ cup of cheese. Repeat the layers: tortilla, tamale, green chile, salt and pepper, and cheese. Top with black olive and a final layer of corn tortilla. Cover in plastic wrap and microwave for 3 minutes then let it cool in the microwave for another 3 minutes. Enjoy your mini tamale casserole!

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